Identify in which stage your company is in and formulate a solid strategy and execution plan on how to get to the next stage. 


Identify in which stage your company is in and formulate a solid strategy and execution plan on how to get to the next stage. 

About the ImpactX methodology 

ImpactX is designed to help business leaders detect which stage their company is in and formulate a solid strategy and execution plan on how to get to the next stage. 

Also is going to help the leaders evolve from Entrepreneurs to CEOs to be able to lead the scale of their organizations better since I have seen businesses improvise through their journey because business leaders do not have a leadership system to give their teams direction to know how to prioritize, communicate, measure results, align their efforts, define KPIs, and delegate.

Stage 1

Size: 1 to 5 Employees 

Primarily Focus: Product Development and Market Fit

Priority: Validating the Business Model

Stage 2

Size: 6 to 15 employees

Primarily Focus: 100% on Sales

Priority: Stabilize Revenue

Stage 3

Size: 16 to 250 Employees

Primarily Focus: Defining Your Industry

Priority: Scaling

Stage 4

Size: Over 250 Employees

Primarily Focus: Dominate Your Industry

Priority: Continuous Reinvention

About Daniel

Co-founder and CEO of Growth Institute, the leading online executive education company for C-level executives at fast-growing firms. He is a keynote speaker and a CEO Coach with a mission to help 1 million entrepreneurs scale their impact and reduce drama in the process.

He is a member of YPO and EO and is a certified coach in the Scaling Up methodology. He is a graduate of EO’s premiere CEO program, the “Birthing of Giants”, and he holds a BS in Industrial and Systems Engineering from ITESM (Monterrey Tech) and an MBA from Babson College.

As a serial entrepreneur, Daniel quickly realized that CEOs are often the bottleneck of the company. In the same way that you can’t solve a problem without first elevating your mindset, a business can’t evolve beyond what the CEO can handle. Daniel partnered with Verne Harnish in 2012 to bring executive training to the masses. What was once reserved for a small niche of wealthy companies is now available to all CEOs and their executive teams.

In less than a decade, Growth Institute has been recognized among the top 5,000 fastest-growing companies in the USA, with over 40,000 members across 68 countries.

About Daniel

Co-founder and CEO of Growth Institute, the leading online executive education company for C-level executives at fast-growing firms. He is a keynote speaker and a CEO Coach with a mission to help 1 million entrepreneurs scale their impact and reduce drama in the process.

He is a member of YPO and EO and is a certified coach in the Scaling Up methodology. He is a graduate of EO’s premiere CEO program, the “Birthing of Giants”, and he holds a BS in Industrial and Systems Engineering from ITESM (Monterrey Tech) and an MBA from Babson College.

As a serial entrepreneur, Daniel quickly realized that CEOs are often the bottleneck of the company. In the same way that you can’t solve a problem without first elevating your mindset, a business can’t evolve beyond what the CEO can handle. Daniel partnered with Verne Harnish in 2012 to bring executive training to the masses. What was once reserved for a small niche of wealthy companies is now available to all CEOs and their executive teams.

In less than a decade, Growth Institute has been recognized among the top 5,000 fastest-growing companies in the USA, with over 40,000 members across 68 countries.

Know more about Daniel and ImpactX

Keep in touch!

@ Toro Capital LLC Austin, Texas
Daniel Marcos 2022. All rights reserved.